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凯莉一个. 没吃
凯莉一个. 没吃, MA, 是一位在教育研究和政策研究方面有18年经验的高级研究助理. 默蒂服务于各种各样的州和联邦项目, with expertise in educator preparation and teacher workforce issues; conducting needs assessments and needs sensing; providing high-quality technical assistance (TA) to states, 区, and other stakeholders; building communities; and program monitoring. She creates and disseminates TA outreach and communication to grantees and states; conducts 网站访问 and monitoring reviews of state and grantee progress toward project goals and sustainability; conducts data analysis; and provides planning and logistical support for virtual events, 网站访问, 研讨会, 和会议.
作为联邦数据收集和技术援助合同的项目主管,没吃拥有丰富的经验, 并担任各种研究资助的项目经理. 她领导着南方公平援助中心的通用助教, 是一个综合中心网络(CCNetwork)联络员,支持跨CCNetwork的协作和TA. 没吃在奥尔巴尼县第一学区董事会任职. 在她的职业生涯中,她与人合作撰写了出版物和技术报告以及许多演讲.
- 怀俄明大学政治学硕士(最优等成绩)
- 温斯洛普大学社会学学士(以优异成绩)